Terms and Conditions

Shipping Terms

  • Order more than 1,000 yen and receive free delivery services throughout Japan, except in Okinawa Prefecture.
  • The shipping costs are calculated after placing the order.
  • After shipping, the order can not be cancelled. However, the payment will not be returned. But if we provide the wrong or damaged product, it will be replaced with new products, but the payment will not be returned.
  •  For the return of the wrong product, we will pay the postal costs. For your generous information, the damaged vegetable will be sent in the next product, after we get the information and a photo of the wrong/damaged vegetable.
  • The price of the product is the same in our store and online.If you order over the phone, on the website, or on Facebook, you just need to pay the standard shipment cost. (If the order is under 10,000 yen)
  • Customers of Okinawa Ken have to pay an additional ¥1,200 for each box (1 box = 20kg) as the postal charge is higher.

100%  HALAL
100% Safe Food

Quick delivery, cheap prirce, customers’ satisfiection and commitment are our business motto.